Dynamics GP End of Support

Migrating to Dynamics GP End of Support

For customers using the latest version of Dynamics GP (currently v18.6), Microsoft will continue releasing product updates, regulatory (tax) updates, and security updates/hotfixes until September 30, 2029, and security updates if needed until April 30, 2031. And technical support will be available until September 30, 2029 (except until April 30, 2031, for support related to security updates/hotfixes). Customers using an earlier version of Dynamics GP covered by the Modern Lifecycle Policy (i.e., v18.1 – 18.5) should upgrade to the current version of Dynamics GP.

For customers on a legacy version of Dynamics GP covered by the Fixed Lifecycle Policy (GP 2018 R2 and earlier), support ends on the dates published on the Microsoft lifecycle website (see https://microsoft.com/lifecycle), which are earlier than above.

Note: To access any updates or support during the periods indicated above, customers
must have an applicable Service Plan.

Microsoft is channeling its innovation and investment into cloud solutions and technologies. We are convinced that cloud solutions elevate business performance through AI capabilities and enhanced security. Consequently, we are accelerating our investment in Dynamics 365 Business Central to address the ERP needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

For customers on the current version of Dynamics GP (currently v18.6), Microsoft does not expect to create additional security updates beyond April 30, 2031.
For customers on a legacy version of Dynamics GP covered by the Fixed Lifecycle Policy (GP 2018 R2 or earlier), support ends on the dates published on the Microsoft lifecycle website (see https://microsoft.com/lifecycle), which are sooner than April 30, 2031.
In either case, current policy permits customers with an active Service Plan (e.g., AP) to download previously released security updates for their version of Dynamics GP, even if such download occurs after the applicable end of support date(s) for that version. Policies are subject to change.

Currently customers with an active Service Plan (e.g., AP) may purchase additional user licenses for their existing system, even if such purchase occurs after the applicable end of support date(s). Policies are subject to change.

Currently customers may renew their Service Plans (e.g., EP, AP, Advantage Plans) beyond their end of support date(s), however, product support benefits including upgrades and incident support are not provided by such plans beyond end of support dates as described in the first question of these FAQs. See Microsoft Services and Support Policy Guide (PSBC log-in required) for which benefits are available before and after end of support dates. Policies are subject to change.

Extended Security Updates or ESUs (which provide critical security updates beyond end of support) are not expected to be offered for Dynamics GP products.

Customers with a perpetual license for Dynamics GP may continue using their licensed solution beyond its end of support date, however, use of a then-unsupported product is not recommended.

Currently customers with a subscription license for Dynamics GP are not blocked from renewing their subscription license on Dynamics GP’s end of support date, but doing so is not recommended as the product would no longer be supported. Permitting such continued use will be reviewed and may change.


Partners should engage with their customers to develop a migration plan which considers any renewal date considerations. Currently Service Plans (e.g., EP) are available beyond end of support dates, although many benefits (e.g., upgrades) do not extend beyond the end of support dates as described in the first question of these FAQs. See Microsoft Services and Support Policy Guide (PSBC log-in required) for benefits available before and after the end of support dates. Policies are subject to change.

Migrating to Dynamics 365 Business Central

Every customer has unique migration requirements. Microsoft’s AIM program provides a framework and tools for partners to guide their customers through the migration process.

Microsoft offers several promotions for customers transitioning from Dynamics GP to Dynamics 365 Business Central (online).

Contact Us to learn more about the promotions

In addition, customers with a Dynamics GP perpetual license and active Service Plan currently can transition to a Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises license at no additional charge. Policies are subject to change.


Dynamics 365 Business Central has benefited from extensive development and enhancement in recent years and many features/processes that once required customization are included in the base product. In addition, there has been tremendous growth in ISV extensions for Business Central, providing cost-effective solutions for customer and industry-specific requirements. 

Over 5500 solutions are available in Microsoft AppSource to extend Business Central’s functionality. Click here to explore.

Customers with a perpetual license for Dynamics GP may continue using their licensed solution beyond its end of support date, however, use of a then-unsupported product is not recommended.

Currently customers with a subscription license for Dynamics GP are not blocked from renewing their subscription license on Dynamics GP’s end of support date, but doing so is not recommended as the product would no longer be supported. Permitting such continued use will be reviewed and may change.


Microsoft believes Dynamics 365 Business Central (online) represents the best long-term solution for most Dynamics GP customers. However, Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises perpetual licenses currently remain available for new Business Central customers until April 1, 2025, and Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises subscription licenses currently remain available for new Business Central customers until April 1, 2026. Policies are subject to change.

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